Progress towards the SDGs
Do you know anything about whether or not the EU has made any progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals since they were established in 2015? Have you heard or read anything about this in the news or discussed this question as part of your studies?
Which goals do you think will be easier to achieve and which ones are more difficult? Why? What factors could affect this?
You may want to study the chart in the link below. The chart shows the main findings from the report “Sustainable development in the European Union — monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context, 2023 edition”.
Write a post responding to these questions. In your response, you should express and support your opinion and make a contribution to the discussion. Please write a minimum of 100 words and respond to at least one comment made by another student with another 100 words.
Post your comment by choosing “Add a new discussion topic” below.
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SDG goals to prioritize
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