Pre-task activity
Team activity and individual pre-tasks
Team activity (within your own team)
1. Project managers will send an invitation to the team to meet virtually in your team´s private channel/forum.
2. Write a post in your private team channel/forum where you introduce yourself to other members
• What do you do?
• Have you lived or worked in any other country?
• Tell one surprising thing about yourself (e.g. you are not on Facebook, you have a tattoo, you can speak more than 3 languages, you are always late...)
3. Share a photo of yourself with an item that is associated with your hobbies, interests, free time
4. Read posts sent by other members of your team. Chat, comment, like, etc.
5. Create and send a presentation of your team on this Kick-off- discussion forum in a visual + text format (photo of the team, name, motto…)
Individual tasks:
1. Edit your Moodle profile and remember to add your photo!
2. Do the English language test at You will receive your login details individually.
3. Watch the two videos below. Reflect on the learnings from the videos to your skills and characteristics. Based on that, identify three personal strengths you can use in the project team and help it succeed. Why are they important from the project management viewpoint?
Complete the team activity and individual pre-tasks two days before the kick-off. Prepare to discuss the language test results, the video contents and your personal reflections with your team members.